Our official ceremonies take place every fortnight, on Fridays and Saturdays, from 8 p.m. to 5 a.m. Each meeting is associated with a different spiritual egregore, promoting spiritual universalism.
In addition, on Wednesdays after the official weekend, we hold our renowned cosmic ritual. A subtle yet powerful experience, recommended for those wishing to begin their journey into the world of spiritual medicine.
Check our schedule and follow the next rituals.
We have various ceremonies to suit everyone's needs and schedules, ensuring that you can take part in the experience that best aligns with your time and interests.
Emotional blockage is an unconscious defense mechanism to avoid suffering. Through this shield, a difficult experience is experienced unconsciously and less directly. However, this does not mean that the situation ceases to exist or bother the individual. When we don't access it directly, we end up developing other dysfunctional ways of dissipating this energy, either through the mind or the body, which hinder and directly interfere with our quality of life and well-being as a whole.
On August 30, 2022, we had the honor of taking part in Rede Globo's Profissão Repórter program, where we discussed the journey of drug addicts who find Ayahuasca an innovative treatment in the urban centers of São Paulo.
In 2020, the prestigious National Geographic magazine explored the fascinating world of urban shamanism in an engaging article. We were honored to have the opportunity to contribute significantly to this study, providing deep and insightful insights into this ancient practice transformed in the midst of modern urban landscapes.
Get to know some powerful songs of Jiboia Sagrada, a collection of elevated melodies that emanate from diverse spiritual energies, all intertwined with our sacred history.”
“The awakening of a new consciousness begins with a simple step.”
Centro Ayahuasqueiro Jiboia Sagrada is a spiritual space located in Vila Clarice, in the city of São Paulo. Founded in 2016, the center has become increasingly popular among those seeking a deeper connection with nature and with themselves.
2023 Centro Ayahuasqueiro Jiboia Sagrada. All rights reserved.