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Ritual Cósmico - Jiboia Sagrada

Cosmic Ritual

On Wednesday evening, we'll be travelling through the cosmos, connecting with the sacred medicines of the forest.

Manifesting the Cosmic Egregory, in these rituals we work with the energy of the Star Beings, together with the Cosmic Rays of Alpha and Omega and the Commands of Light. But when we discuss the cosmos, we have connections with various spiritual beings, from the highest to the most earthly. Because everything is interconnected.

By entering a state of unfolding through this Egregory and sacred medicine; we are reaching various layers of our being to be able to reconfigure and bring about all the necessary readjustments to our earthly lives, working on our mental, emotional, sentimental and spiritual state.

In high frequency with Madrecita Ayahuasca, which takes us on the path of self-knowledge so that we can be in the vibration of love, of self-knowledge, resulting in our healings, reconnecting to the source of creation and to our 'Higher Self'.

Are you ready to ascend to the highest spheres?

We are waiting for you to embark on this beautiful cosmic journey together and to continue our studies, strengthening our spirituality and the Threefold Flame in our hearts.








R$ 100,00 + 2 Rolos De Papel Higiênico