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Krishna - The Universal Love

In their supremacy of beauty and nobility, we will praise Krishna, the supreme personification of God, raising the vibration of universal love.

As well as being one of the gods most worshiped by Hindus, he is also known for his teachings on love and unity between all beings. Krishna is considered an avatar of Vishnu, the god of preservation. He was born in Mathura, India, around 5,000 years ago, and spent his life teaching the importance of universal love and the connection with the divine that exists in each of us.

He is usually represented in the form of a shepherd who loves to play the flute, seducing all living beings.

In Sanskrit, his name Krishna means black or dark. Krishna is one of the main names of God, because in the Vedas, the sacred scriptures associated with the Hindu religion, we find many, many names for God, and for each quality, we can have a name. As God has unlimited qualities, He technically has unlimited names. However, the name Krishna has a very special connotation, as it refers to the most attractive, intimate and complete aspect of God. Krishna is the absolute truth, the source of everything and the cause of all causes. In the scriptures there are detailed explanations of His abode, His appearance, His pastimes, His expansions, and His energies.

He is endowed with six qualities, all to an infinite degree: beauty, strength, wisdom, wealth, fame, and renunciation.

He knows everything that has happened, everything that is happening and everything that will happen; Krishna is infinitely merciful, he is the beneficiary of all sacrifices and austerities, the Supreme Lord of all planets and demigods and the benefactor and well-wisher of all living entities.

There are also those who consider Krishna to be the god of love, as his name also means “the one who attracts everything”. Krishna is for Hinduism the strongest divine personality due to his qualities, and Krishna is always willing to lift those who have stumbled over life's mistakes and renounced evil. Krishna frees them from all fears, sins, and misfortunes.


08/09/2024 or 08/10/2024






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