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The forest's enchantments

Saluting the strength and forest's enchantments, we'll have Runuã, Txana ixã and Tene Nixiwaka conducting the music, bringing the medicine of the forest peoples.

We're going to enter the Shamanic Egregora, honoring our Brazilian roots, which are just as rich as other aspects. When we work with the power of the forest, we connect with the original peoples who inhabit our Brazil, who are spread across many parts of the country, most of them concentrated in the Amazon rainforest.

Within our studies, we classify these peoples as the closest to us, spiritually speaking, because they are on the same land that we were born on. The people of the forest carry the magic of nature within them, because they believe in the strength of their ancestors, elementals, animals, deities, and beings that inhabit it.

Known for all his wisdom and healing power through his prays, bringing all the firmness we need to walk our path and continue our process of development as human beings.

We await you, united by the power and wisdom of Ayahuasca, to connect with the forces of nature and the original peoples. Strengthening our spirituality, the divine 'I Am' presence, the triune flame present in our hearts.








R$ 120,00 + 2 Rolos De Papel Higiênico