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Take a look at our Upcoming Rituals!


Explore our schedule of rituals and choose the one that best suits your schedule and availability. 

Krishna - The Universal Love

08/09/2024 or 08/10/2024
From 8pm
to 5 am
In their supremacy of beauty and nobility, we will praise Krishna, the supreme personification of God, raising the vibration of universal love. As well as being one of the gods most worshiped by Hindus, he is also known for his teachings on love and unity between all beings. Krishna is considered an
R$ 90,00 + 2 rolls of toilet paper
Ritual Cósmico - Jiboia Sagrada

Cosmic Ritual

From 8pm
to 5 am
On Wednesday night, we'll be travelling through the Cosmos, connecting with the sacred medicines of the forest. Manifesting the Cosmic Egregory, in these rituals we work with the energy of the Star Beings, together with the Cosmic Rays of Alpha and Omega and the Commands of Light. But when we speak...
R$ 90,00 + 2 rolls of toilet paper

The forest's enchantments

From 8pm
to 5 am
Saluting the strength and forest's enchantments , we'll have Runuã, Txana ixã and Tene Nixiwaka conducting the music, bringing the medicine of the forest peoples. We're going to enter the Shamanic Egregora, honoring our Brazilian roots, which are just as rich as other aspects. When...
R$ 120,00 + 2 rolls of toilet paper

Hummingbird's Flight

08/23/2024 or 08/24/2024
From 8pm
to 5 am
We're going to tap into the energy of the hummingbird and the power of elementals and enchanted beings. Within shamanism, the hummingbird represents love, lightness, and the joy of being, and is considered by some traditions to be the messenger of the Great Spirit. It is recognized for its flexibility, flying
R$ 90,00 + 2 rolls of toilet paper
Ritual Cósmico - Jiboia Sagrada

Cosmic Ritual

From 8pm
to 5 am
On Wednesday night, we'll be travelling through the Cosmos, connecting with the sacred medicines of the forest. Manifesting the Cosmic Egregory, in these rituals we work with the energy of the Star Beings, together with the Cosmic Rays of Alpha and Omega and the Commands of Light. But when we speak...
R$ 90,00 + 2 rolls of toilet paper