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As we explore the fascinating world of Ayahuasca and its deeply transformative properties, it is crucial to approach this ancient wisdom with respect and seriousness.
Ayahuasca is sometimes misunderstood or surrounded by misconceptions. Therefore, to gain a deeper and more accurate understanding, it is essential to read the questions and answers provided carefully.
Each topic covered in this text ranges from the composition and effects of Ayahuasca to questions about safety and purpose. By exploring this information in an open and informed way, you will be able to take full advantage of this Sacred Medicine and seek transformation and healing on your personal journey.
Ayahuasca is a powerful tool, but it takes knowledge, respect, and purpose to use it meaningfully. So continue your quest for understanding and self-discovery with an open mind and a receptive heart.
Describing an ayahuasca session is a complex task. Since the medicine itself is expressed uniquely. However, reading the following questions and answers is crucial and will provide an essential basis for your introduction to the world of medicine.
Ayahuasca is a sacred drink widely used by the native peoples who possess this ancestral wisdom. Its origin (place and date) are unknown, but there are millinery accounts of its use.
Ayahuasca is a medicine offered by Mother Nature to us humans who seek to heal ourselves from the ills we cause in our lives.
This drink is made up of a vine called Jagube or Mariri, which represents the Masculine Force of Creation, and leaves called Chacrona, which represent the Feminine Force of Creation.
These two ingredients are boiled in water until they reach the ideal point for consecration.
The whole process of making the drink, from harvesting to finalization, is always carried out with many prayers and healing vibrations for humanity. Because the main ingredient of this sacred drink is the intentions that have been loaded into it. That's why, in a production, preparation is essential and must be taken very seriously. Here at Luz da Esperança, we personally know the makers of this Sacred Medicine that comes straight from the heart of the forest in Acre.
This is an interesting question to answer because there are infinite possibilities that Ayahuasca can offer us.
Countless cases have been reported about the benefits generated for our physical, emotional, mental, and spiritual health. Every day, new discoveries are made about the power of this drink.
People in serious states of depression or in difficult situations of chemical dependency (addiction to drugs) are the most frequently reported cases of overcoming and success after consecration to Ayahuasca.
However, as has been said, the possibilities for a cure go far beyond what we can imagine.
Ayahuasca is a sacred drink that works on each person individually. Each human being has a truth. Each human being has an essence, and by consecrating this Medicine, the individual will have the opportunity to connect with themselves. With their deepest and most intimate inner connection. To consecrate this Medicine is to discover the causes of our pain, so that then, with our strength, we can realize the true transformation or miracle in our lives.
Every illness has its symptoms in the mental, emotional, and physical realms, but its cause lies in the spirit. By drinking Ayahuasca, we enter a level of exteriorization never reached before in our daily lives, and so we have the much-desired opportunity to find the answers and understanding we so desperately seek outside. Every solution to our problems and illusions can only be found within, and Ayahuasca is a master at teaching us how to evolve through self-healing.
Remember how I said she's very individual? That's right.
It's important to emphasize that Ayahuasca on its own won't cure anyone; if it were like this, it would be enough to offer this drink to every human being, and the world would be cured. Ayahuasca teaches each person to heal themselves in their own way; in other words, it teaches us to live according to what is good for us, following each person's truth. What is good for one person may be bad for another, but if we don't make the effort to put the teachings we have received into practice, they won't do any good, and no transformation will take place. The value of the experience is lost and it becomes just any old drink. Ayahuasca doesn't give you fish; it teaches you how to fish.
In conclusion, it can be said that Ayahuasca is a powerful tool that helps us heal ourselves through in-depth knowledge. So that we can understand that in life we are not victims; we are holders of all the strength we need to be reborn and transform ourselves every day for the better. Not better than others, but better for ourselves.
The effects that medicine can have on someone are innumerable, and each experience is very individual, but I'm going to mention the most common effects that can occur.
Inside our body, more specifically in our pineal gland, located in the center of our head, there is a substance called DMT (dimethyltryptamine). This substance is responsible for opening up the spiritual field for human beings. Over the course of our existence, our pineal gland becomes calcified (due to numerous factors, such as eating toxic products) and loses its effectiveness due to the action of enzymes that diminish its effects, causing us to lose the ability to connect with the planes beyond matter. There are two moments in our lives when we have full access to and activation of this substance, which are at our birth and at our death.
Ayahuasca contains the same substance (DMT) that is present in our bodies, as well as inhibitors that prevent the enzymes that reduce the effects of DMT from acting. In other words, when we drink Ayahuasca, we are activating the DMT substance that already exists within us and is responsible for connecting us with the spiritual world.
It's very normal that in this process, our sensitivity increases and all the senses in our body, as well as the extra-physical ones, become more acute, increasing our capacity for energetic reading. We acquire a greater capacity for concentration and reasoning since Ayahuasca stimulates the synapses, which are the connections between our neurons. When we ingest this drink, it automatically scans our entire body to detect any possible ailments and bad energies that may be in us. After this process, if there is anything that needs to be purged, Ayahuasca prepares us to carry out the famous cleanings (this will be explained shortly). As soon as we enter a heightened state of subtlety, we become able to connect with the astral world, i.e., the planes above the physical. That's why, when working with Ayahuasca, it's very normal for people to experience mirages, which are nothing more than spiritual visions (this will also be explained). All this change that happens in us is called a state of Force, the name given to the effect of the medicine. At this moment, we are in expanded Consciousness.
Cleansing is nothing more than the purge of what is bad for us. The most common cleansing is through vomiting; however, there are numerous ways that cleansing can occur, whether by yawning, sweating, crying, laughing, urine, feces, etc. this will depend a lot on what needs and is being cleaned. Example:
A person who has a lot of stagnant energy is likely to clean up in the form of a yawn. Or, someone who is sad about a situation, it's normal to cry, cleaning up the sorrows.
Visions are spiritual visions that Ayahuasca proposes to the one who ingests it. As previously said, this drink enables us to connect with the subtlest planes so that we can have our experiences and thus teachings. There are reports, of regressions in past lives, encounters with entities and spiritual guides, among other possibilities. Ayahuasca Medicine is a Master plant, in which it presents us with what is necessary and worthy of us. Nothing more, and not even less, but in fair measure.
Definitely not. It is important to emphasize that Ayahuasca does not alter anyone's Consciousness, much less make someone unconscious, as with drugs. What Ayahuasca does is expand Consciousness beyond the physical plane, and this is called the entheogen effect, or the famous shamanic state. The hallucinogenic effects are merely mental creations caused by the substances presented in some drug. As for the entheogen effect, the person will live a true spiritual experience, with real forces present in other planes, and not a mere mental creation. Proof of this are reports of people experiencing the same experiences in the astral, as they were connected on the same plane. Different from hallucinations, where we only see fantasies of our minds.
Before entering the ritual, it is vital to follow some essential guidelines to ensure a safe and meaningful experience. In the three days leading up to the ritual, it is recommended to observe a preparation that includes avoiding the consumption of red meat, fatty foods, and excess sugar. In addition, avoid the consumption of alcohol, drugs, and sexual relations, thus allowing the body and mind to be purified.
It is imperative to emphasize that we do not tolerate the use of illicit substances in our work. We kindly ask that those who use medication inform us in advance. This allows us to adopt appropriate safety measures for the well-being of all participants and for the success of the spiritual work that will be conducted.
On the day of the ritual, bring with you essential items for your comfort and well-being, including blankets, a pillow, and a small bottle of water for personal use. We recommend that men wear comfortable long pants, while women can choose to wear long skirts with pants underneath. Also, have a change of clothes available for your convenience.
Finally, it is important to note that the lack of toilet paper will result in an additional fee of $5.00. These guidelines are intended to ensure that all participants are prepared and can enjoy a profound and transformative experience. May this meeting be filled with light, wisdom, and healing for all those present.
Yes. Undoubtedly, the experience with Ayahuasca is an essential milestone in our lives, as it is a strong Medicine; because of this, there are certain contraindications that must be carefully analyzed by those responsible for the ceremony with Ayahuasca, before the person comes to ingest the drink. One of these is schizophrenia and personality disorders. In these cases, the use of Ayahuasca is not recommended, which could further aggravate the case. There are rare exceptions for a person who presents these conditions to ingest the drink; if that happens, he must be very well accompanied by the spiritual leaders of a house as well as the doctors responsible for his treatment.
Another important point to analyze is people who take drugs that alter brain chemistry (controlled/psychiatric). In these cases, the person may ingest the Ayahuasca drink, as long as he follows the proper precepts, avoiding the use of the medicine (s) 3 days before the consecration, among other appropriate measures to obtain a good experience.
People who use drugs can also ingest Ayahuasca, following the same parameters of precepts.
Therefore, it is essential that all interested parties inform the spiritual leaders responsible for the ceremony, if they present any of these criteria.
No. There are many studies that prove that Ayahuasca does not have any substance that induces addiction or that brings any harm to our bodies. CONAD (National Council Anti-drugs) recognizes the use of Ayahuasca in a religious/spiritual environment/context as a legal practice. Pregnant women, newborns, children, adults, and the elderly can ingest Ayahuasca without being harmed.
It is always significant to go in depth with the information that comes to us or what we are looking for. And one of the best recommendations we can follow to get to know something is simply asking someone who really experiences what we are looking for. Information reported by someone who 'knows' something superficially can destroy someone's life by simply taking away someone's opportunity to save themselves.
Ayahuasca never killed anyone. Ayahuasca has never made anyone crazy.
However, a person may be predisposed to some disorders that may arise when ingesting the Ayahuasca drink. But it has never been proven that Ayahuasca caused or created anything bad in a person.
Therefore, it is very valid that they follow the precepts!
Let's go to the examples:
Imagine someone who used drugs on the day they will ingest Ayahuasca. This person is altering their consciousness with the drug used and then expanding this alteration by drinking Ayahuasca. Don't you think that the chances of that person taking some action that could take your life or that of the people close to you are high? The same can happen to those who take medicine that alters brain chemistry on the same day they drink Ayahuasca.
Another important factor is the place where someone will drink Ayahuasca. Unfortunately, nowadays, there are reports of people taking Ayahuasca in inappropriate places and in any way for carnal purposes and pleasures, such as parties and other non-sacred occasions. Because they are in extremely dense places, without any spiritual protection, the possibilities for something to go wrong are very high! Different if the drink is ingested for a spiritual purpose and healing purpose, within a serious house and fully prepared both in the physical (as inspectors ready to help in whatever is needed) and in the spiritual (fundamentals that bring protection and drainage of harmful and harmful energies to human beings). By consecrating Ayahuasca under these recommended conditions, there is no danger and the experience becomes safe and harmonious, obtaining satisfactory results that will only bring benefits to the participants.
In addition to following the essential precepts, we must pay attention mainly to the purpose. Ayahuasca is no joke. Ayahuasca is not a 'breeze' or a 'crazy trip' or enjoyment. Ayahuasca is a serious thing, and it is for everyone who really wants to heal and evolve in life. When we feel the Force of Medicine, it is normal to come across the following question:
''What did I come here to do?''
Therefore, you must be clear within yourself, the purpose that you are seeking in Ayahuasca.
''I came to heal myself.''
''I'm following some call within me.''
''I came to give me another chance.''
Regardless of what your purpose is, always be, I repeat, always...with an open heart.
Ayahuasca Medicine does not give us what we want because we ourselves are mistaken several times in thinking what is good for us. Ayahuasca gives us what we need to be truly happy. It is a conversation between the Living Spirit of Medicine, which has Ancestral Wisdom, directly with our Soul/Essence. The Mind has no room for this conversation and for us to really hear our Conscience, it is important to empty the mental chalice and open the Heart.
“My Father's dwelling place is in the heart of the world, where there is all love and where there is a deep secret. “
Master Irineu
“The awakening of a new consciousness begins with a simple step.”
Centro Ayahuasqueiro Jiboia Sagrada is a spiritual space located in Vila Clarice, in the city of São Paulo. Founded in 2016, the center has become increasingly popular among those seeking a deeper connection with nature and with themselves.
2023 Centro Ayahuasqueiro Jiboia Sagrada. All rights reserved.